Lancianello: country holiday house with swimming pool Pioraco, Macerata, Marche, Italy
agriturismo Lancianello
agriturismo Lancianello
agriturismo Lancianello
agriturismo Lancianello
Lancianello di Angelo Tonnarelli, Seppio, 62025 Pioraco (MC) cellulare: +39 3356063617 Lancianello of Angelo Tonnarelli, Seppio, 62025 Pioraco (MC) mobile number: +39 3356063617 Lancianello Herr. Angelo Tonnarelli, Seppio, 62025 Pioraco (MC) handy nummer: +39 3356063617 Lancianello van Angelo Tonnarelli, Seppio, 62025 Pioraco (MC) mobiele telefoon: +39 3356063617
  • Itinerario per chi viene da Castelraimondo Road directions Coming from Castelraimondo Reiseroute für diejenigen, die aus Castelraimondo ankommen Road directions Coming from Castelraimondo
  • (direzione Nord, superstrada 76, Autostrada A14 uscita Ancona Nord, Aereoporto Raffaello Sanzio di Falconara, Fabriano) (from North, road 76, Highway A14 exit Ancona Nord, Airport Raffaello Sanzio - Falconara, Fabriano) (Richtung Norden, Autobahn 76, Autobahn A14 Ausfahrt Ancona Nord-Flughafen Raffaello Sanzio Falconara, Fabriano) (from North, road 76, Highway A14 exit Ancona Nord, Airport Raffaello Sanzio - Falconara, Fabriano)
  • road from Castelraimondo Da Castelraimondo prendere la strada che porta a Camerino. Follow the directions from Castelraimondo to Camerino. Aus Castelraimondo nehmen Sie die Straße, die nach Camerino führt. Follow the directions from Castelraimondo to Camerino.

    Dopo poco si arriverà al bivio mostrato nella foto a lato, facilmente riconoscibile dalla ‘Torre del Parco’, un antico mulino fortificato mostrato. About 1 km after leaving Castelraimondo town you reach the cross-road shown in the picture at your left. This cross-road is marked by “Torre del Parco”, an old fortress-mill tower. Kurz nach der Ankunft an der Gabelung auf dem Seiten-Bild gezeigt, leicht durch das Torre del Parco, eine alte befestigte Mühle, erkennbar. Biegen Sie rechts Richtung Pioraco ab. About 1 km after leaving Castelraimondo town you reach the cross-road shown in the picture at your left. This cross-road is marked by “Torre del Parco”, an old fortress-mill tower.

    Girate a destra in direzione di Pioraco. Turn right to Pioraco. Road signs for Pioraco. Turn right to Pioraco. Road signs for Pioraco.

  • road from Castelraimondo Continuate sempre dritto per circa 2 km finché non si arriverà allo stabilimento bianco mostrato in foto. Drive straight on for 2 km until you see on your right the factory shown in the picture. Weiter geradeaus für ca. 2 km bis wann Sie den weißen Betrieb erreichen, siehe Bild. Drive straight on for 2 km until you see on your right the factory shown in the picture.

  • road from Castelraimondo Subito dopo c’è un piccolo ponte e poi un incrocio per Seppio. Straight after the factory the road passes on a small bridge. Kurz danach befindet sich eine kleine Brücke und dann eine Kreuzung nach Seppio. Straight after the factory the road passes on a small bridge.

    Girare a sinistra Turn left just after the bridge. Road signs for Seppio. Biegen Sie links ab. Turn left just after the bridge. Road signs for Seppio.

  • road from Castelraimondo Seguire sempre la strada per circa 1 km finché si arriverà al bivio mostrato nella figura a lato. Drive straight on for about 1 km. When you see the small cross-road shown in the pictures Folgen Sie dem Straßenverlauf für ca. 1 km, bis wann Sie eine Gabelung finden, wie in dem Bild auf der Seite gezeigt. Drive straight on for about 1 km. When you see the small cross-road shown in the pictures

    Girare a destra. turn right. Biegen Sie rechts ab. turn right.

  • road from Castelraimondo A questo punto continuate sempre dritto. Go straight on in the narrow road until you see the house shown in the picture at your right. An diesem Punkt weiter geradeaus. Als Sie das in dem Rechts-Bild gezeigtes Haus sehen, Go straight on in the narrow road until you see the house shown in the picture at your right.

    Quando vedrete la casa mostrata nella foto a destra siete arrivati agli alloggi del Paradiso. (appartamenti P1, P2, P3, P4) This is “Paradiso” house. (appartments P1, P2, P3, P4) haben Sie “Paradiso”
    (Wohnungen P1, P2, P3, P4) erreicht.
    This is “Paradiso” house. (appartments P1, P2, P3, P4)

  • road from Castelraimondo Se dovete andare all’alloggio di Lancianello, continuate dritto. Dopo 200 metri, al bivio successivo girate a sinistra e seguite la strada per circa 500 metri fino ad arrivare alla casa bianca con le finestre rosse che si intravedere tra gli alberi nella foto a lato. If you need to reach “Lancianello” house (above picture) go straight on for 200 mt. Then turn left and follow the white road for 500 mt until you arrive to a white house with red windows. Falls Sie die Wohnungen Casa di Robe’ und Casa dei Nonni (“Lancianello”) erreichen möchten, fahren Sie dann weiter. Nach 200 Metern, an nächster Gabelung links abbiegen und die Straße für ca. 500 Meter folgen, bis zu dem weißen Haus mit rotem Fenster, die Sie zwischen den Bäumen auf dem Seiten-Bild einblicken können. If you need to reach “Lancianello” house (above picture) go straight on for 200 mt. Then turn left and follow the white road for 500 mt until you arrive to a white house with red windows.

    Siete arrivati a Lancianello. (appartamenti L1 e L7) In the picture at your left you can see “Lancianello” house among the trees. (apartaments L1 and L7) Sie sind jetzt in “Lancianello” angekommen. (Wohnungen L1 und L7) In the picture at your left you can see “Lancianello” house among the trees. (apartaments L1 and L7)
Lancianello di Tonnarelli Angelo, Lancianello, 7 Seppio 62025 Pioraco (MC) p.iva:01727450437 Lancianello of Tonnarelli Angelo, Lancianello, 7 Seppio 62025 Pioraco (MC) p.iva:01727450437 Lancianello Herr. Angelo Tonnarelli, Lancianello, 7 Seppio 62025 Pioraco (MC) steuer:01727450437 Lancianello van Tonnarelli Angelo, Lancianello, 7 Seppio 62025 Pioraco (MC) p.iva:01727450437